Saturday, June 30, 2007

Yet Another Trip Up Mt Holdsworth to Powell

Ok, so this time it was in the snow!!
I wasn't really planning on climbing Holdsworth 3 times this year, but I had a day off and I really wanted to get up into the snow. Its a bit of a novelty for a boy who grew up in the sub tropical bay of Islands. Great day trip.

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Youth Parliamentarians


David White - The Great Snail Chase


Adi dick


Mid Winter Swimmer

The shortest day of the year makes some people crazy.

Brian Tamaki and Taito Phillip Field

From a little while ago but I thought I'd post them anyway.
Protesting against the repeal of section 59 which gives parents the defence of reasonable force.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

The Dalai Lama

His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama Arrives at Wellington Airport

Wellington Waterfront at Night

Finding Murdoch @ Downsage



My flatmate has been using a twinlens I havn't used for a while and got the negs scaned.

This shot was at the end of he roll, Its from a IDP camp in Muelaboh Aceh after the Boxing Day Tsunami.

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