Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wellington Watefront

Well after a whole bunch of pissing round I finally got this post up.

I had the afternoon off and nothing to do so I thought for once I might go and shoot some stuff for fun because its been a verry long time since I've done that!!!

Don't get me wrong I love doing this for a living Its just been a while since I've just taken shots for the hell of it.

I decided to give the camera a go on B/W, I was expecting much but it ok. Doesn't match film though but if I wanted to really do it properly I could have shot in RAW and convirted it latter pissing about in photoshop..... but yeah it was for fun so blah.

Threw on a fixed 50mm put the camera in to single shot, manual focus, full manual metering (I often shoot in Av and override the meter)and took photos of sea gulls, not my usual but I did have fun just meandering about on a wet wellington day :)

Hope you enjoy.

Wellington Waterfront

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Wellington Waterfront

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Wellington Waterfront

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Wellington Waterfront

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Wellington Waterfront

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Wellington Waterfront

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More Fairfax photographers


Check out the photographers picks from the Taranaki Daily News

Monday, March 20, 2006

Police Lost and found


While were on the subject.....

Did this for a story on the Lost Property department. Posted by Picasa

Police Chase ends in Mt Victoria Wellington

Sorry about the Delay in Posting!!!! I've been quite buisy.

Anyway, I was out on the deck and this beaten up old car comes flying round the corner and looses a weel. Coming up behind it (slowly and safely I might add) was a cop car, then another one blocking it from the front.
I rushed into the house tearing round trying to find my gear grabbed it jumped off the deck and down to the crash site.
I managed to fire off a couple of shots before I was told to bugger off.
The sort of thing photographers dream of happening in front of their eyes!!!

Went in on page 2 of the Dom last Tuesday.

Hope you like


Police Chase ends in Mt Victoria Wellington

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Mt Victoria Police chase

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Police chase in Mt Vic

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