Thursday, September 15, 2005

Shots From The Street

Found this Great new Blog Today.

I highly recommend everyone checks it out

Cheap macro/fish eye lens

A friend of mine came back from the recycling centre with a tele-conference for a vide camera. He paid $4NZ for the adapter and I paid $5 for the thread ring. I god another friend to glue it on with a hot glue gun. The results follow.
Hell of a lot cheaper than spending $200 on a similar converter!

The first one is a shot for the paper of Fairy Treena at the Botanical Gardens in Wellington.
The second is a couple of my friends from the office, the guy on the right bout the lens for me :)

Fairy Treena

Trying out my new toy at work on 2 of my mates

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Tarantino Party

Well as earlier promised I will endeavor to write a bit about the images!

Last night I went to a great party at my old flat with a Tarantino theme. Sam and David are some of my best mates who also make movies. Anyway I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some shots.
Shot on my 20D 100iso Quite fast shutter to kill most of the ambient light, and flash off camera.

Hope you like :)


Note: The guns aren't real!

David, Tarintino Party

David, Tarintino Party

Sam, Tarintino Party

Sam, Tarintino Party


Hello there,

I've been asked to post more about the images so from now on I'll be attempting to.

Most of the images on this blog were shot for The Wellingtonian News Paper.

photoshop has been used only in a very subtle way unless otherwise stated. By that I mean generally the only changes I have made make are color correction, levels adjustments and dodging and burning.

I use a canon 20D DSLR camera with a range of lenses.

If anyone has questions or wishes to comment please feel free.

